About Us

Equator Gold provides business consulting and geoscience services.

The founding objective of Equator was to explore for mineral deposits in South Sudan, the geology of which was then almost unknown, and to develop discoveries into mining operations. Early work was very successful and Equator made a number of promising discoveries of gold and nickel deposits.

Tragically, civil conflict broke out at the end of 2013 and working in our project areas became progressively more difficult until July 2016, when a second phase of fighting severely affected our concession areas. In November 2016, our field base was looted and we made a force majeure declaration. When Equator tried to resume work in 2021, a dispute arose with the Ministry of Mining over the interpretation of the Mining (Mineral Titles) Regulations regarding force majeure, and the exploration licences were revoked. Efforts to reverse this decision were unsuccessful and Equator withdrew from South Sudan in late 2022.

Equator has therefore concentrated on consulting and geoscience services, and is seeking new exploration opportunities.

Equator’s principal shareholders are Richmond Partners Master Limited and Exploration Capital Partners (a fund of Sprott Asset Management), together with the Group’s founders and their friends and family.

Equator Gold’s Board and Management